Make sure to also look at the Rules page and get familiar with them. The starting statistics for every character are: PL: 5,000 HP: 2,000 Ki: 1,250 Strength: 1,000 Speed: 1,500 Zeni: 1,000 Every character will be given the ability to fly (Bukujitsu) and two character specific abilites as well as a finisher. Depending on your character you will get to start with a certain item. You must begin the game on Planet Earth but you have the choice of which of the nine regions to start in, so head over to the Planets page and check out the Earth page. You must have a job, so take a look at the jobs page and choose one. Joining the forums is necessary for communications so join them immediately with your character name as your username. There is a link on the home page but here is a link as well: Tenkaichi RPG Forums. You can also choose the first action you will perform in the RPG. All this information must be sent to me at tenkaichirpg@gmail.com |