Master Roshi
Grandpa Gohan
Master Shen
King Vegeta
King Cold
King Kai
- Location : Planet Earth, Kami's Lookout
- Guardian of Earth and the keeper of peace.
- Teaches the Fusion Dance
Master Roshi
- Location : Planet Earth, Kame Island
- Known as the Turtle Master, lives on an small island all by himself.
- Teaches the Kamehameha
Grandpa Gohan
- Location : Planet Earth, Mountains
- Adoptive father to Goku and master of martials arts.
- Teaches Renzoku Energy Dan
Master Shen
- Location : Planet Earth, South City
- Previous winner of the World Tournament
- Teaches the Dodonpa
- Location : Planet Namek, Guru's House
- Guardian of Namek and the creator of the Namekian dragonballs
- Teaches the Choubakuratsumaha
King Vegeta
- Location : Planet Vegeta, Vegeta
- Ruthless King of the Saiyan race.
- Teaches the Gallic Gun.
- Location : Planet Kanassa, Kabal
- Very intelligent and powerful sorceror.
- Teaches Masenko
King Cold
- Location : Planet Freeza, Capital City
- Father of Cooler and Freeza and ruler of the planet.
- Teaches the Death Beam
- Location : Planet Zun, Babidi's Palace
- Powerful evil wizard that can grant demons great power.
- Teaches the Majin transformation
- Location : Planet Yardarrat, Sinero
- Although signficantly weak, possesses very powerful techniques.
- Teaches Instant Transmission
King Kai
- Location : Next Dimension, King Kai's planet
- Guardian of the Northern galaxy and powerful teacher.
- Teaches Kaioken and the Spirit Bomb